
Digitalisation and technology are changing the financial sector in fundamental ways, creating new opportunities for banks and their clients.

An ever-growing range of financial products are now available digitally. However, the German and European financial sectors need more freedoms in order to continue to innovate successfully. Overly restrictive legislation cannot be allowed to prevent banks and fintechs from utilising new technologies such as artificial intelligence or tokenisation.

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Our contacts on the topics of digitalization and digital finance

Tobias Tenner

Tobias Tenner

Head of Digital Finance

+49 (30) 1663 2323
Philippe Gierth

Dr. Philippe Gierth

Digital Finance

+49 (30) 1663 1736
Stefan Mietke

Stephan Mietke

Digital Finance

+49 (30) 1663 2325
Angela Bieler

Angela Bieler

Digital Finance

+49 (30) 1663 1747

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